Stan Woodard - ph Holly Sasnett
photo: Holly Sasnett

EarthForce! to Protect the Earth’s Biomes for a Future
Where ALL Inhabitants Can Live and Thrive

  • Rain Forest Restoration
  • Species Protection
  • Sustainable Agriculture
Wage Peace

Wage Peace | Breaking the War Cycle |
Investing in Diplomacy and Peace

  • Diverting war budget to create mutual prosperity
  • Immigration policy stresses safety in violence ridden emigre countries

Complete Education Supports Students, Parents, Educators,
Districts, and States in Delivering Improved Outcomes

  • Enabling young people to advocate for their health and well being
  • Anti-rape strategies for boys and girls lead to positive outcomes for women and men
  • Students develop healthy interpersonal relations in schools
    and outside of schools through community-based training


Stan’s Got a Plan! Advancing Toward a Progressive Future!

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America is Transformed When Citizens Collaborate and Participate as a Community

Health Care for Every American


A whole life approach to healthcare delivery empowers
citizens to take their healthcare into their own hands

Confronting the Climate Crisis


Addressing the many manifestations of climate change requires the
efforts of every country, every sector, and organizations large and small

Getting Guns Off the Streets

Every Town for Gun Safety

 The Red State Murder Problem
8 of the 10 states with the highest murder rates in 2020 voted for
the Republican presidential nominee in every election this century