
Public/Private Partnerships on a global scale will lead to Earth Positive Outcomes.

Funding Sources: Diverting a portion of military budgets and corporate contributions from profits gained through environmentally destructive activities is a novel approach to funding these initiatives. It connects the costs of environmental damage to the funding of environmental solutions.

America’s military budgets will be proportionally diverted toward protecting the Earth’s oceans, atmosphere, diverse species and biomes from exploitation and greed.
Environmental justice leads to positive global sociopolitical outcomes.

Join EarthForce! Today

EarthForce! is a multifaceted non-lethal approach to maximizing global peace through earth friendly domestic and foreign policy initiatives

Case Studies

  1. Ocean Conservation Namibia YouTube
    OCN website
  2. World Wild Life Fund
  3. Akashinga (formerly International Anti-Poaching Foundation)
  4. Instituto Terra
  5. Agrivoltaic Farming
  1. Ocean Conservation: This initiative aims to address various issues related to the oceans, including plastics cleanup and animal rescue, coral remediation, and more. These are critical areas as the health of the oceans has a direct impact on the overall health of the planet.
  2. Wildlife Protection: Protecting vulnerable animal populations from poaching is essential for maintaining biodiversity. Armed interventions to combat poaching could be an effective way to deter illegal activities that threaten endangered species.
  3. Habitat Rehabilitation: Mass plantings of indigenous flora can help restore natural habitats, which, in turn, can support fauna restoration. This approach can help reverse habitat loss and promote biodiversity.
  4. Earth-Friendly Farming: Promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices like agrivoltaics (combining solar panels with agriculture) and hydroponics can reduce the environmental impact of farming while ensuring food security.